Introducing Laravel Errors Website

Last updated on by Dasun Tharanga

2 min read

Laravel Errors

✨ Introduction

Imagine this: You're coding away, and suddenly, you hit an error. It takes you a solid hour to troubleshoot and fix it. But here's the kicker: you forget to jot down how you did it for next time. Sound familiar?

Well, that's where fully open-source Laravel Errors comes in. It's for folks like you and me who need a handy reference for those coding hiccups. Just sign up with your GitHub account, submit your errors, and boom! You've got a go-to resource for future fixes.

🤔 How it Works?

Currently, all errors are visible to the public, allowing other developers to easily search for solutions using Algolia search. To maintain a standard for all errors and solutions, I will review each submission and approve or reject them based on their merit. If your error submission gets rejected, don't worry! You can always request approval again with any necessary changes. This ensures that the platform remains a reliable resource for all Laravel developers seeking solutions to their coding challenges.

🤝 Contributing

This project is fully open-source, with no commercial expectations. The only possibility for support is through sponsor me on GitHub to maintain this project.

So, I need your help to make it even better with your ideas. I invite you all to contribute to the source code, whether it's finding bugs or adding new features on GitHub.

🎯 Milestones

  1. Find a sponsor(cloud service provider) to host this website. because, for the moment, I am using my personal VPS.
  2. Find a sponsor(server management tool) to make Laravel deployment easier. Currently, we use Laravel Envoy for the deployment.

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